Zwei Jahre lang konnte sich die Evolution dank Corona seit 2019 entwickeln. Weitere Nischen rund um den Garliner See wurden erschlossen, und neue exotische Lebensformen haben ihren Platz bei uns gefunden. Das Leben stand in den Startlöchern und wollte gefeiert werden.
Gemeinsam konnten wir hautnah erleben, wie unsere Evolution erblüht!
-Testimonial 2021-
This Event is decorated with great attention to detail. Super friendly people of all ages and lots and lots of good music ...
Thanx for this Festival!
Es war sehr schön, die Menschen, die Location, und vor allem das nonstop Feuerwerker an Musik! ??
What a beautiful festival, which was organized with so much attention to detail. Thank you, that I could be there.
It was a beautiful and mega great festival❤ so many lovely and friendly people, a friendly harmonious togetherness, it was mega beautiful
It was so unique. Everything was so lovingly and richly thought out in detail, there was a lot of work behind it and we really appreciated that. It was simply thought of everything important. Especially the elves have simply topped everything. Thank you, we gladly come next year again
Many thanks to you! It is incredible what you have accomplished there! Please never give up on this location!